Application Process

DU offers substantial financial aid to students from a wide range of family income levels. Our goal is to ensure an accurate and timely offer with the maximum amount of financial aid possible to all who apply. We'll provide you with the resources and guidance you need to complete every step of the application process.

DU School Codes:
  • FAFSA: 001371
    Determines your eligibility for need-based federal and state financial aid.
  • CSS Profile: 4842
    Determines your eligibility for need-based institutional financial aid.

Steps to Apply for Financial Aid at DU:

photo of gardens on campus

Are you a prospective student?

Learn more about the financial aid process with our application guide.

View the Guide

photo of lake by the Kennedy Mountain Campus

Noncustodial Parent Information

Our policy is to require financial information from both biological/adoptive parents of students when applying for financial aid. The custodial parent is expected to provide income, asset and other information on both the CSS Profile and FAFSA. The noncustodial parent is also expected to provide information on a separate CSS Profile application. If either parent is remarried, the stepparent's information must be included.

Important note for current students: The noncustodial parent CSS Profile is only required once and is waived for current students who have completed it in a prior academic year.

Priority Deadlines & When to Expect Your Aid Offer

If you plan to begin classes at DU in the fall of 2025, you should submit your financial aid and admission applications according to the listed timelines.


2025-26 Application & Aid Offer Timelines
Admission Round/
Student Type
Admission App DeadlineCSS Profile Priority DeadlineFAFSA Priority DeadlineFinancial Aid Offers Begin
Early Decision INovember 1November 15January 15Early December*
Early ActionNovember 1November 15January 15Late December*
Early Decision IIJanuary 15February 1February 1Mid-February
Regular DecisionJanuary 15February 1February 1Early March
Transfer StudentsVariesSubmit with admission applicationSubmit with admission applicationEarly June
Returning Undergradsn/aApril 15**April 15**Early June

*Financial aid offers will be based on CSS Profile and the Noncustodial Parent CSS Profile (if required). However, the 2025-26 FAFSA is a required submission that is expected according to the timelines referenced. 

**Continuing students seeking full consideration for departmental scholarships must submit the CSS Profile and FAFSA no later than March 15th.

Why should I apply by the priority deadline?

Submitting your financial aid applications by the priority deadline means you can expect to receive a financial aid offer within the timeframes listed above. If you miss the priority deadline, that's OK! You won't miss out on funding, but your financial aid offer may be delayed. We highly encourage that you do your best to meet the established deadlines to ensure that your aid offer is made available according to schedule.

first year seminar

Frequently Asked Questions



Financial Aid